Take control of your career

Talking to the wonderful experts on The Parent Equation podcast over the last few weeks has ignited so many thoughts about how we work, how we take control over our career path and how our organisations could support this.

So if you're reflecting on where you are now and where you want to be, here are some timely questions to ask yourself. Is your role or career path ticking the boxes for the four main areas?

1️⃣ Control over what you're doing
How engaged are you in the team goals process?
How much freedom do you have to choose what you do and how you do it?
Do you have longer-term career path flexibility?

2️⃣ Progress in what you're pursuing
Do you understand what the long-term team vision is and why this is the right direction?
How do you know what progress you're making towards those goals?
Are you being recognised for the progress you're making?
Do you/the team celebrate success?
3️⃣ Being connected with others
How effectively do we communicate with each other?
Do we hold each other to account?
Do we support each other?
Do we celebrate together?
How well do we know each other – work and social?
What are the mechanisms for getting the team together? And how effective are they?
4️⃣ Being part of something you enjoy that's bigger than yourself
How are we all going to make a difference?
Does the team feel valued?
What are we all proud of?
Do we know what the members of the team enjoy / want to achieve?


The Rise of the Portfolio Career


The impact of parental transitions on your career