
What is Emotional Wellbeing?
Emotional wellbeing is the state of being in which we can understand, manage, and express our emotions in a healthy and balanced way. It includes becoming more self aware, being able to self-regulate and finding ways to build our resilience.

What kind of working parent are you?

The Rise of the Portfolio Career
In the latest season of The Parent Equation Podcast I spoke to three experts and one parent on the rise of the portfolio career, where you engage in multiple, often diverse, professional pursuits alongside each other. You could be working multiple part time roles, freelance/consult or have personal projects. All of which combine to build a diverse portfolio of income streams.

Take control of your career
Talking to the wonderful experts on The Parent Equation podcast over the last few weeks has ignited so many thoughts about how we work, how we take control over our career path and how our organisations could support this.
So if you're reflecting on where you are now and where you want to be, here are some timely questions to ask yourself. Is your role or career path ticking the boxes for the four main areas?

The impact of parental transitions on your career
A client came to me this week with a desire to return her focus to her career now that her kids were in their final years of school. And it struck me that we often talk about (and coach) the parental transition after having a baby and the subsequent return to work, but we don’t always talk about all the transitions that follow.

Harnessing the Power of our Emotions
An intrinsic part of being human, emotions have the power to influence our thoughts and behaviours on the spin of a coin. So imagine being able to understand what our emotions are telling us, enabling us to act on them more consciously and with intention. In this article, I’ll explore some of the myths behind our emotions to help you harness them for positive change.

Surviving the school holidays
Tips for surviving the school holidays

Navigating relationships
I've been thinking a lot about personal dynamics this week so thought I'd share my attempt at visualising it (this is my version, feel free to change the protagonists to fit your life).

Six key factors of resilience.
Resilience. It brings to mind strength, courage, ambition, boldness.
But it is so much more and we all have the capacity to build up our resilience, making us better equipped to deal with whatever life throws at us. So what are the key factors of resilience?

Unlock your authentic self.
We are the same person, whether at work or at home, so why do we feel the need to create a persona and how can we start bringing our authentic selves to work? Three factors come into play, amongst others. Knowing your purpose, living a values-led life and practicing self-compassion.

All big things come from small beginnings.
All big things come from small beginnings.

I can't be a taxi driver because I'm a girl.
I can't be a taxi driver because I'm a girl.

Why embracing uncertainty boosts confidence.
Why embracing uncertainty boosts confidence.

Put yourself back in the picture.
Put on your oxygen mask before helping others.
We understand how that works in the air, but how can we apply that to life on the ground?

The Parent Equation Podcast is 1!
So excited that my podcast continues to go from strength to strength!

Plan out your day and how to avoid shiny objects!
It all begins with an idea.

Time management with tomatoes
Yes, tomatoes really can help your focus and productivity.

Have you lost sight of you?
Have you lost sight of you?

Self-compassion builds resilience.
Self-compassion builds resilience.